Thursday, 27 October 2022

Taariikhda Magaalada Qadiimiga ah ee Baargaal

Baargaal " Maagaaladii Nabdooneyd " Hordhac Magaalada Baargaaal oo dhacda badweynta hindiya waxay hoostagtaa Gobolka Bari marka loo eego miqyaaskii hore iyo goboladii dawladii dhexe ee soomaaliya kusinaa Hadase waa magaalo Hoostagta Degmada Caluula oo magaalo madax u ah Gobolka "Gardafuu" ee Maamulka Puntland ee soomaaliyeed. Ubuc Magaca Baargaal ayaa asal ahaan kayimid "Baar" oo macnaheedu yahay Meel sare "Gaal" oo ah qof aan diinta islaamka haysan sidaas aawadeed baargaal ayaa micnaheedu yahay Tuurtii gaalku daganaa, asal ahaan magaalada baargaal waa lasoo minguuriyey oo hada baargaasha cusub ma ahan meeshii magacu ku baxay, magaaladii hore wey aasmatay ama duugmatay. Baargaal waa magaalo xeebeed facweyn oo dhisan muddo kabadan 2 labo qarni Magaalada baargaal ayaa ku taala meel istaraatiiji ah taasoo kulaasha marin biyoodka "Cadan". marka lagahadlayo istaraatiijiyada magaalooyinka dhaca baddaha waxaa halbeeg looga dhigaa sadex waxyaabood 1.Inay magaaladu leedahay Marso Gaadiidku soodhigan karo ama kulaasho marso 2.Inay magaaladu u dhow dahay Marin biyood 3. Inay magaaladu leedahay wado sahlan oo Shixnadaha magaalada lakeeno looga gudbinkaro magaaloyinka kale isla markaasna iyada wax laga dhoofin karo. Baargaal ayaa ah magaalo kulansatay Sadexdaasba . Magaaladan waxaa Dhanka waqooyi kasaaran Marsada Gufka Dhanka Koonfureedna waxaa ka saaran Marsada Bini sidooo kale waxey ka mid tahay magaalooyin dhif ah oo ku xirra Gobolad Puntland dalalka Yaman Cumaan Iyo jasiirada Inagga maqan ee suqadara. Baargaal ayaa leh taariikh facweyn oo kusalaysan nabad sida aan kasoo dheegtay Odayaasha deegaanka Magaaladan waxay aheyd kolkii u horaysay ee qof lagu dilay ama dhiig ku daatay gudaheeda "2009" tan iyo markii la asaasey. Waxaa magaalada soomaray xukuno kaladuwan sida Gumaystihii Talyaaniga Boqortooyadii Majeerteeniya Dawladii Dhexe iyo Maamulka hada ay hoostagto ee Puntland. Magaaladan Ayaaleh dhamaan kheyraadka ay Somaliya caanka ku tahay Sida xoolaha nool kaluunka Beeraha gaar ahaan Timirta Iyo Maydiga. Taasoo kayeeshay magaaladan magaalo Dakhli farabadan ugasoo xereedo Maamulka Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed. Gunaanad iyo Cudurdaarsho Taasina waa qeybyar oo ka mid ah warbixinta Magaalada qadiimiga ah ee "Baargaal" Waxaan ka cudur daaranayaa inaan Waxbadan ka tagey oo aysan iisuurta gelin inaan qoro dhamaan taariikhdii Magaalada xadaaradaha badan ee Baargaal.

Monday, 24 October 2022

Human Resource Cover Latter

Human Resource  Management Cover Latter



Mohamed Dahir Amey

Garowe, Puntland - Somalia




I would like to apply for your Human Resources Officer position at Golis Telecom Somalia. I have three years of experience as a human resources officer and possess a solid understanding of the skills and knowledge the position entails.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources management and Labor Relations From University Of Bosaso.

As the Human Resources Officer at Hotel I oversee the hiring process answer employee complaints and maintain records. I am highly organized have excellent interpersonal skills and am well-versed in labor law. I have no doubt that my top-notch attention to detail and thorough communication skills will be an asset to Golis Telecom Somali. My knowledge of HR theory and law combined with excellent interpersonal skills make me an standout candidate for your open Human Resources Officer position. In my current position I’ve proven my expertise by managing the HR operations of over 70 employees. I believe I have what it takes to become a stellar human resources professional with Golis Telecom Somalia.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualification and experience for the position of  Human Resource Officer.

Hoping for your positive consideration, Yours faithfully,

Mohamed Dahir Amey

 The Meaning of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human resource management (HRM) is the practice of recruiting, hiring, deploying and managing an organization's employees. HRM is often referred to simply as human resources (HR). A company or organization's HR department is usually responsible for creating, putting into effect and overseeing policies governing workers and the relationship of the organization with its employees. The term human resources was first used in the early 1900s, and then more widely in the 1960s, to describe the people who work for the organization, in aggregate.

HRM is employee management with an emphasis on those employees as assets of the business. In this context, employees are sometimes referred to as human capital. As with other business assets, the goal is to make effective use of employees, reducing risk and maximizing return on investment (ROI).

The modern HR technology term human capital management (HCM) has been used more frequently compared to the term HRM. The term HCM has had widespread adoption by large and midsize companies and other organizations of software to manage many HR functions.

The importance of human resource management

The role of HRM practices are to manage the people within a workplace to achieve the organization's mission and reinforce the culture. When done effectively, HR managers can help recruit new professionals who have skills necessary to further the company's goals as well as aid with the training and development of current employees to meet objectives.

A company is only as good as its employees, making HRM a crucial part of maintaining or improving the health of the business. Additionally, HR managers can monitor the state of the job market to help the organization stay competitive. This could include making sure compensation and benefits are fair, events are planned to keep employees from burning out and job roles are adapted based on the market.

How does HRM work?

Human resources management works through dedicated HR professionals, who are responsible for the day-to-day execution of HR-related functions. Typically, human resources will comprise an entire department within each organization.

HR departments across different organizations can vary in size, structure and nature of their individual positions. For smaller organizations, it is not uncommon to have a handful of HR generalists, who each perform a broad array of HR functions. Larger organizations may have more specialized roles, with individual employees dedicated to functions such as recruiting, immigration and visa handling, talent management, benefits, compensation and more. Though these HR positions are differentiated and specialized, job functions may still overlap with each other.

Amazon is an example of a large company with multiple types of specialized HR positions. Amazon's career website lists 15 different HR job titles:

  • HR assistant
  • HR business partner
  • HR manager
  • Recruiter
  • Recruiting coordinator
  • Sourcer
  • Recruiting manager
  • Immigration specialist
  • LoA and accommodation specialist
  • Compensation specialist/manager
  • Benefits specialist/manager
  • Talent management specialist/manager
  • Learning and development specialist/manager
  • HR technology/process project program manager
  • HR analytics specialist/manager

Objectives of human resource management

The objectives of HRM can be broken down into four broad categories:

  1. Societal objectives: Measures put into place that responds to the ethical and social needs or challenges of the company and its employees. This includes legal issues such as equal opportunity and equal pay for equal work.
  2. Organizational objectives: Actions taken that help to ensure the efficiency of the organization. This includes providing training, hiring the right number of employees for a given task or maintaining high employee retention rates.
  3. Functional objectives: Guidelines used to keep HR functioning properly within the organization as a whole. This includes making sure that all of HR's resources are being allocated to their full potential.
  4. Personal objectives: Resources used to support the personal goals of each employee. This includes offering the opportunity for education or career development as well as maintaining employee satisfaction.
Objectives of HRM
The four objectives of HRM

Within the unit of each organization, the objectives of HRM are to:

  1. Help the organization achieve its goals by providing and maintaining productive employees.
  2. Efficiently make use of the skills and abilities of each employee.
  3. Make sure employees have or receive the proper training.
  4. Build and maintain a positive employee experience with high satisfaction and quality of life, so that employees can contribute their best efforts to their work.
  5. Effectively communicate relevant company policies, procedures, rules and regulations to employees.
  6. Maintaining ethical, legal and socially responsible policies and behaviors in the workplace.
  7. Effectively manage change to external factors that may affect employees within the organization.

Skills and responsibilities of an HR manager

HRM can be broken down into subsections, typically by pre-employment and employment phases, with an HR manager assigned to each. Different areas of HRM oversight can include the following:

Skills that can add value to HR managers include:

  • Employee relations
  • Job candidate relations
  • Sourcing and recruiting
  • Interpersonal conflict management
  • New employee onboarding
  • HR software and information system experience
  • Performance management
  • Customer service
  • Project management

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Top 12 Functions of a Human Resource Management

Top 12 Functions of a Human Resource Management(HRM)

Functions of HRM:

  1. Job design and job analysis
  2. Employee hiring and selection
  3. Employee training & development
  4. Compensation and Benefits
  5. Employee performance management
  6. Managerial relations
  7. Labour relations
  8. Employee engagement & communication
  9. Health and safety regulations
  10. Personal support for employees
  11. Succession Planning
  12. Industrial Relations

1. Job design and job analysis

One of the foremost functions of HRM is job design and job analysis. Job design involves the process of describing duties, responsibilities and operations of the job. To hire the right employees based on rationality and research, it is imperative to identify the traits of an ideal candidate who would be suitable for the job. This can be accomplished by describing the skills and character traits of your top-performing employee. Doing so will help you determine the kind of candidate you want for the job. You will be able to identify your key minimum requirements in the candidate to qualify for the job.

Job analysis involves describing the job requirements, such as skills, qualification and work experience. The vital day-to-day functions need to be identified and described in detail, as they will decide the future course of action while recruiting.

2. Employee hiring and selection

Recruitment is one of the primary functions of human resource management. HRM aims to obtain and retain qualified and efficient employees to achieve the goals and objectives of the company. All this starts with hiring the right employees out of the list of applicants and favourable candidates.

An HRM helps to source and identify the ideal candidates for interview and selection. The candidates are then subjected to a comprehensive screening process to filter out the most suitable candidates from the pool of applicants. The screened candidates are then taken through different interview rounds to test and analyse their skills, knowledge and work experience required for the job position.

Once the primary functions of HRM in recruitment are completed, and the candidate gets selected after rounds of interviews, they are then provided with the job offer in the respective job positions. This process is important because these selected employees will, after all, help the company realise its goals and objectives.

3. Employee training & development

Imparting proper training and ensuring the right development of the selected candidates is a crucial function of HR. After all, the success of the organisation depends on how well the employees are trained for the job and what are their growth and development opportunities within the organisation.

The role of HR should be to ensure that the new employees acquire the company-specific knowledge and skills to perform their task efficiently. It boosts the overall efficiency and productivity of the workforce, which ultimately results in better business for the company.

HRM plays a very crucial role in preparing employees for bigger tasks and responsibilities, which leads to the holistic development of employees at work. And an organisation which provides ample growth and development opportunities to its employees is considered to be a healthy organisation.

4. Compensation and Benefits

Benefits and compensation form the major crux of the total cost expenditure of an organisation. It is a must to plug the expenses, and at the same time, it is also necessary to pay the employees well. Therefore, the role of human resource management is to formulate attractive yet efficient benefits and compensation packages to attract more employees into the workplace without disturbing the finances of the company.

The primary objective of the benefits and compensation is to establish equitable and fair remuneration for everyone. Plus, HR can use benefits and compensation as a leverage to boost employee productivity as well as establish a good public image of the business.

Therefore, one of the core HR department functions is to lay down clear policies and guidelines about employee compensation and their available benefits. One of the functions of HR manager is to ensure the effective implementation of these policies and guidelines. This creates equality and builds transparency among the employees and the management within the organisation. After all, the level of employee satisfaction at work is directly proportional to the compensation and benefits they receive.

5. Employee performance management

The next activity on HR functions list is effective employee performance management. Effective performance management ensures that the output of the employees meets the goals and objective of the organisation. Performance management doesn’t just focus on the performance of the employee. It also focuses on the performance of the team, the department, and the organization as a whole.

The list of HR functions for performance management includes:

  • Developing a proper job description
  • Initiating an appropriate selection process to hire the right candidates for the job positions
  • Providing the right training and education needed to enhance the performance of the employees
  • Enabling real-time feedback and coaching employees to boost efficiency among them
  • Conducting performance reviews monthly or quarterly to discuss the positives and the improvement areas of employees
  • Formulating a proper exit interview process to understand why experienced employees choose to leave the company
  • Designing a proper appraisal and compensation system that recognises and rewards the workforce for their effort and hard work

6. Managerial relations

Relationships in employment are normally divided into two parts — managerial relations and labour relations. While labour relations is mainly about the relationship between the workforce and the company, managerial relations deals with the relationship between the various processes in an organisation.

Managerial relations determine the amount of work that needs to be done in a given day and how to mobilise the workforce to accomplish the objective. It is about giving the appropriate project to the right group of employees to ensure efficient completion of the project. At the same time, it also entails managing the work schedules of employees to ensure continued productivity. It is essential that HR handles such relations effectively to maintain the efficiency and productivity of the company.

7. Labour relations

Cordial labour relations are essential to maintain harmonious relationships between employees at the workplace. At the workplace, many employees work together towards a single objective. However, individually, everyone is different from the other in characteristics. Hence, it is natural to observe a communication gap between two employees. If left unattended, such behaviours can spoil labour relations in the company.

Therefore, it is crucial for an HR to provide proper rules, regulations and policies about labour relations. This way, the employees have a proper framework within which they need to operate. Therefore, every employee will be aware of the policies which will create a cordial and harmonious work environment.

Such a structured and calm work atmosphere also helps with improving performance and aching higher targets.

8. Employee engagement and communication

Employee engagement is a crucial part of every organization. Higher levels of engagement guarantee better productivity and greater employee satisfaction. Efficiently managing employee engagement activities will help in improving the employee retention rates too. HRM is the right agent who can manage the employee engagement seamlessly. Proper communication and engagement will do wonders for the employees as well as the organization. The more engaged the employees are, more committed and motivated they will be.

Human resource teams know the ‘humans’ of the organization better than anyone else. This gives them an upper hand in planning engagement activities. Although such activities might not fall under the direct functions of HRM, they are indeed required for the organizational welfare and employer branding.

9. Health and safety regulations

Every employer should mandatorily follow the health and safety regulations laid out by the authorities. Our labour laws insist every employer to provide whatever training, supplies, PPE, and essential information to ensure the safety and health of the employees. Integrating the health and safety regulations with company procedures or culture is the right way to ensure the safety of the employees. Making these safety regulations part of the company activities is one of the important functions of HRM.

10. Personal support for employees

HRM assists employees when they run into personal problems which may interfere with the workflow. Along with discharging administrative responsibilities, HR departments also help employees in need. Since the pandemic, the need for employee support and assistance has substantially increased. For example, many employees needed extra time off and medical assistance during the peak period of the pandemic. For those who reached out for help, whether it may be in the form of insurance assistance or extra leaves, companies provided help through HR teams.

11. Succession Planning

Succession planning is a core function of HRMs. It aims at planning, monitoring, and managing the growth path of the employees from within the organizations.

What usually happens is that promising and bright employees within the organization who have excelled in their roles are handpicked by their supervisors and HRs, and their growth paths are developed.

This, of course, becomes quintessential as those employees who recognize the fact that the company is investing in their growth and development, and therefore, will stay loyal in the long run. However, while developing such employees towards a higher role, companies must keep in mind several aspects, such as improving employee engagement, assigning challenging tasks and activities.

An employee leaving the organisation can prove to be disruptive and expensive. Therefore, succession planning is a saviour of some sorts, as it helps identify the next person who is just right to replace the outgoing individual.

12. Industrial Relations

It’s usually the production lines and manufacturing units where this HR function is mostly used. You see, Unions exist in factories and manufacturing units. And their responsibility is towards the goodwill about the workers — in fact, they’re always vocal and upfront about.

Now, for a company, especially into manufacturing and production, the HRs must have ongoing Industrial Relations practices. They must also continuously engage with the Unions in a friendly and positive manner to maintain amicable relations.

The true motive of Industrial Relation touches on a lot of issues within the company. For instance, Industrial Relations may be in place to meet wage standards, reduce instances that call for strikes and protests, improve working and safety conditions for employees, reduce resource wastage and production time and so on.

Industrial Relations is extremely important because, if handled properly, it can circumvent protests, violence, walkouts, lawsuits, loss of funds and production time. IR is a sensitive yet critical function of the HR department, naturally, it requires personnel with vast experience.

HRM plays a major role in the smooth functioning of the organisation. The process starts with formulating the right policies for the job requirements and ends with ensuring a successful business growth of the company. Therefore, HRM works as an invisible agent that binds together all the aspects of the organisation to ensure smooth progress.

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Taariikhda Magaalada Qadiimiga ah ee Baargaal

Baargaal " Maagaaladii Nabdooneyd " Hordhac Magaalada Baargaaal oo dhacda badweynta hindiya waxay hoostagtaa Gobolka Bari marka l...